ABM SOLID ABM SOLID is a group of construction companies operating in all key construction segments. ABM SOLID provides comprehensive turn-key services, from designing to completion and commissioning of the constructed object.
We develop and put into practice the technologies favourable to environment and serving its protection.

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Manufacture and assembly of structures

Our resources include a production plant of steel structures with a 70 years of history. It specializes in railway and road bridge structures. Our structures are known for their excellent workmanship and an attractive relation of quality to price. Check our offer…


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Implementation of building project

Our core activity lies within construction industry understood broadly. For many years now we have had expertise and experience as regards building various structures, from small buildings all the way to complicated industrial  installations. Check our offer…


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Rental of equipment and space

ABM SOLID S.A. offers office, storage and production space for rent in attractive locations.

The Company also owns construction equipment for rent.

Check our offer…


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Stacja Segregacji Odpadów w Ostrowi Mazowieckiej
Inwestor: Zakład Gospodarki Komunalnej i Mieszkaniowej Spółka z o.o. w Ostrowi Mazowieckiej
Modernizacja przepompowni melioracyjnych
Inwestor: Małopolski Zarząd Melioracji i Urządzeń Wodnych w Krakowie
Regulacja rzeki Stradomka
Inwestor: Małopolski Zarząd Melioracji i Urządzeń Wodnych w Krakowie
Hala widowiskowo - sportowa w Bochni
Inwestor: Gmina Miasta Bochnia
W upadłości likwidacyjnej
ul. Bartla 3
33-100 Tarnów
tel. + 48 14 626 02 07
fax + 48 14 622 45 51
e-mail: office@abmsolid.eu
Sąd Rejonowy w Krakowie XII Wydział Gospodarczy,
KRS nr 0000054847, REGON: 850021886, NIP: 873-000-55-11,
Wysokość k. z.: 3 411 835,00 PLN, kapitał wpłacony w całości